How do I bring awareness to my life?

Sometimes in life, we lose our focus. Sometimes we are just to stressed and forget to live our life.

And sometimes we just miss that little something, that makes us smile.
Today I want to share a little project with you, which I had in 2016 🙂
I tried to make sure, that I did every month something new.

Sometimes it came to me, because people asked me to do it with them, sometimes I just listened to my heart, when it said “oh I would love to try that”. So I did it 🙂
What is your plan in 2017?

Maybe you also want to try to be more aware of what you do?

Trying something new?


Get a different perspective on things!

It doesn’t have to be “getting up Mount Everest” or something too crazy to make it count!

It can be also “I will close my eyes while I eat, so I can have my awareness 100% on the taste” or “I want to have 10 minutes to just feel my partner, touch his face, his hair, feel him”, or “I want to hug my friend a little longer today, lets see how that feels”
And don’t be upset if you don’t have an idea what new you could do!

Sometimes just look a little deeper and you will find the little things you can change, like taking another path to your work, try out a complete new recipe for dinner, which you never tried or even just meet a new person on the street, who you connect with 🙂

So many things!
Just be aware ❤️
I wish you all a great 2017


And here is the list of the things I did 2016:


– Learned how to surf

– Did a safari

– Made a road trip along the garden route, south africa

– lived in Blouberg/ Cape Town for 2 weeks


– Did my yoga teacher studies/ training


– First time capoeira

– Giving first private yoga classes


– London for work 13.4.-6.5.

– Learned how to use a skateboard


– Hiked a new path (Tegernsee to Schliersee)

– Learned how to make my own jewelery holder

– Grabben puhlen (don’t know how to translate that in english, but people do that in the north of germany with those little craps)


– Went to Wanda circus festival, Munich

– First time Couple coaching and how to fight properly

– Started painting


– Photoshooting in Scotland, were we drove a lot, so I saw so much from the country, where I haven’t been before


– Went to Umbria/Italy for my birthday

– Hiked up Hochvogel/Germany (Mountain of 2592m with little climbing parts)

– First yoga group teaching


– singing with a big group of people

– Stand up paddle including yoga on it


– osteopathy for the first time

– Familienstellen (its a way of looking deeper into the family, what happened there and where maybe some problems appeared)

– Started my Soulcoach training


– saw Amma in Munich

– Helped on a selfless work in the kitchen to make Samosa, with these beautiful people ❤️


– learned about Rauhnacht and the rituals

– Spend my first winter in Munich and saw so many different christmas markets

– also spend after a few years Xmas again with my family ❤

That’s mine 🙂

Let me know, what you try ❤️

Much love
